
Free Foretaste Module


I am super-duper excited to welcome you on board; trust me you would be glad you joined in.
You are amazing!
Big hugs from The Polished and Fit Preparatory Academy and Finishing School where we equip the Aspiring Bride, Bride to be, Newlywed and young families with the right information, relevant trainings and rich resources to empower and help them prepare as they navigate singlehood, relationship, courtship, marriage and family life on the right foundation.
You are amazing!
Big hugs from The Polished and Fit Preparatory Academy and Finishing School where we equip the Aspiring Bride, Bride to be, Newlywed and young families with the right information, relevant trainings and rich resources to empower and help them prepare as they navigate singlehood, relationship, courtship, marriage and family life on the right foundation.
This Module is our free foretaste module which offers a glimpse into what the entire course entails. This module is guaranteed to shift your thought pattern and give you a fresh perspective on the journey to marital bliss and settlement.
Please do not forget that you can register and sign up for the full part of this course. This is an appetizer, but I can guarantee you that it will set you on a transformational path.
Let’s sneak a peek into what you will learn from this foretaste.


(Clearly putting your expectations on various aspects of your marriage life; dream man, what kind of a wife you want to be, family legacy, family kingdom expansion plan, family values and how you intend raising your children, Etc.)
Many times, what you are expecting is waiting for you to uncover it. On the journey to becoming a great spouse, we sometimes have many wishes but no clarity.
This module shifts you from just guessing and hoping to becoming clear about where you are headed for martially and regaining responsibility for your progress. You are about to meet the premium you.
No success is accidental. Success comes because of intentional and deliberate steps taken towards any goal.
Let this course take you a step further from wishing to achieving a more purposeful, productive and peaceful marriage experience.

Welcome to your awakening experience.

I am so glad to meet you and share insights with you. Looking forward to sharing even deeper insight with you as you join the Polished and Fit Preparatory Academy.

Free Module (Module 1 - Visions On Tablets)

Free Prayer Gift Resource.

Your Privileged Facilitator,

Fehintoluwa Ademola-Adetuberu (FT The Awakener)

Founder and Lead Coach, POLISHED AND FIT,
MFCC, CMHAC, CMD Accredited Trainer.

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